Contributed by Portland Museum of Art
Madeleine Burrage (1891-1976), known to family and friends as “Bob,” was born in Portland. The family including parents Ernestine Giddings and Henry Sweetser Burrage, and her sister Mildred lived in Kennebunkport from 1912 to 1946, when the sisters moved to Wiscasset. Madeleine was a skilled cook, a gemologist, and jeweler.
The Burrage sisters' education included Abbott Academy and Miss Wheeler's School in Providence, Rhode Island. During World War II, Madeline taught in the metal shop—Mildred taught painting—to soldiers with severe burns at Halloran General Hospital on Staten Island, and in the skills program of the American Red Cross in New York. Colby College awarded Madeleine and Mildred honorary master of arts degrees in 1963.
About This Item
- Title: Madeleine Burrage in hat by Mildred Burrage, ca. 1912
- Creator: Mildred Giddings Burrage
- Creation Date: circa 1912
- Subject Date: circa 1912
- Location: Kennebunkport, York County, ME
- Media: Oil on artist board
- Dimensions: 61 cm x 47.6 cm
- Local Code: 1981.135
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Artists--Maine
- Burrage, Madeleine, 1891-1976
- Burrage, Mildred G. (Mildred Giddings), 1890-1983
- Fashion
- Jewelry
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Portland Museum of Art99 Spring St. , Portland, ME 04101
207) 699-4983
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