Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
Although most of the early streets of Thomaston reflect architectural styles from the 19th century shipbuilding days, in many locations there is a blending of more recent architecture.
At one time, the Green Street school building stood on the southeast corner of the intersection of Green and Hyler Streets. It was removed, leaving a large vacant lot on which a modest ranch house was constructed in 1980.
Arranged neatly side-by-side, these period homes co-exist together, offering a glimpse of changing tastes and construction methods throughout the years. Twentieth century ranch-style homes back up to 19th century style homes or face one another on opposite sides of the street, all of which are proudly maintained by their current owners.
About This Item
- Title: Corner of Hyler and Green Streets, Thomaston, Maine 2009
- Creation Date: 2009
- Media: Color digital photograph
- Object Type: Image
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Thomaston Historical SocietyPO Box 384, Thomaston, ME 04861
(207) 354 2295
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