Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
This a close-up view of the location of the State Prison as it appears on an 1855 map of Thomaston. In 1823, this 10-acre site in Thomaston was purchased from ex-governor William King for $3,000. A lime stone quarry, which had been in use since 1734, was considered a prime source for prisoner employment.
This interesection of the old County Road (Main Street) and Wadsworth Street became known as Prison Corner for a time. It was also referred to as Upper Corner, to be differentiated from Lower Corner, the business section at the corner of the old County Road and Knox Street.
Wadsworth Street was also referred to as Prison Lane.
About This Item
- Title: Location of Maine State Prison from Early Map, Thomaston, Maine 1855
- Creator: Thomaston Historical Society
- Creation Date: 1855
- Media: Lithograph
- Object Type: Image
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Thomaston Historical SocietyPO Box 384, Thomaston, ME 04861
(207) 354 2295
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