Contributed by Guilford Historical Society
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This house is known most recently as the Cecil Wharff house and has ties back to the earliest settlers in Guilford Center. Located at the northwest corner of Butter Street and Guilford Center Road it is considered by most people to be the oldest, at least oldest existing, house in Guilford and some say, Piscataquis County. It has had many uses over the years being a home, store, church and meeting house as well as a working farm. The Guilford Center Baptist Church was built in 1834 on this property and is located approximately 300 feet to the west of this house. There are indications of transition between Victorian and Federal design in this house. Although there has been some modifications and remodeling over the years there is still much of the original woodwork and hardware in place.
About This Item
- Title: Oldest House in Guilford, ca. 1880
- Creation Date: circa 1880
- Subject Date: circa 1880
- Location: Guilford, Piscataquis County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Local Code: 1000.212
- Object Type: Image
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Guilford Historical SocietyPO Box 893, Guilford, ME 04443
(207) 876-4501
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