Contributed by McArthur Public Library
Celebratory headline which appeared in the editorial area of the Union & Journal (Biddeford, Me.) in November of 1864. The Union & Journal was a strong supporter of Lincoln, the Republican Party, and the cause of the Union. The headline reads: "The Battle fought and won. Victory! Victory! Lincoln carries nearly every state! The Gunboat General the Worst Used-up Man that ever Tried and Failed! The Union to be maintained and the rebellion to be crushed! Thank God, fellow-citizens, we have met the enemies of our country and saved the nation. Every Union man may well be proud of his day's work, for had we faild, Constitutional Liberty would have fallen, too."
About This Item
- Title: Lincoln's election victory celebrated, Biddeford, 1864
- Creator: Union & Journal (Biddeford, Me.)
- Creation Date: 1864-11-11
- Subject Date: 1864-11-11
- Location: Biddeford, York County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Collection: Archival Collections
- Object Type: Text and Image
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McArthur Public LibraryPO Box 346, Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 284-4181
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