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DPI Calculator & Standards for Scanning Photographs

Sometimes the Maine Memory Network standards can be confusing to contributors. We have tried to make it easy by providing you with our DPI Calculator below. Give it a try!

DPI Calculator

Determine the resolution you need to scan your photograph. (Make sure you are scanning in 24 bit color depth.)

Enter size in inches using decimal i.e. 7.5 inches

Remember when saving the JPG file, you select "High Quality" and "Low Compression"

Technical Standards for images:

  • Scan your photographs on a flatbed scanner. Enter the dimensions of your photograph on the DPI calculator above to find out the resolution (DPI or PPI) to scan your photo.
  • Scans must be in-focus, straight, in color (scan black and white photos in Color Mode to capture the sepia tone), and saved with low compression. MMN only accepts JPG format, only.
  • Set your scanner to Full Color or RGB, 24 bit color.
  • Scan the entire item, not just a portion of it. Try to fill the frame but leave a small space or border around the item. See example of photograph of chair. See example of scan of a photograph.
  • When saving the JPG file, select low compression or high quality. In Photoshop elements, select a quality of 11.
  • When photographing objects with a camera, please follow these instructions. Photography Guidelines.
  • Please contact if you need further instructions.