Cumberland County Sheriff's Office Record, 1864

Contributed by Maine Historical Society


This is an entry from the Sheriff and Jailer's ledger book found in the Maine Historical Society library. It is dated May 27, 1864, although there are only ditto marks next to this entry.

The sheriff received a mittimus concerning William H. Martin. A mittimus is a written document that can command a jailer to safely keep a felon until he or she can be transferred to a prison. It also refers to the transcript of the conviction and sentencing stages, which is duly certified by a clerk of court.

The record states that William H Martin will pay a $100 bond to be released until his court appearance in July, or be remanded to jail until his court date.


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About This Item

  • Title: Cumberland County Sheriff's Office Record, 1864
  • Creator: Russell Samson
  • Creation Date: 1864-05-27
  • Subject Date: 1864-05-27
  • Locations:
    • Portland, Cumberland County, ME
    • Folly Road, Sebago, Cumberland County, ME
    • Bridgton, Cumberland County, ME
  • Media: Ink on paper
  • Local Code: Coll. 177, volume 15
  • Object Type: Text

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Maine Historical Society
485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230

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