Contributed by Fryeburg Historical Society
Located in the center of Fryeburg's business section, the Stevens Monument was built in memory of early settler, John Stevens who wintered in Fryeburg 1762-1763.
Henry Pierce of San Francisco, the great-grandson of Stevens had the monument erected in 1902.
It is made of white Hallowell granite, resting upon a base 7-8 feet square and 10 feet thick. On this base rests four large pieces of granite, three bowls for animals and one with a faucet and cup for people. It weighs 28 tons. In 1934, the monument was moved back 20 feet from the original site because of increased traffic.
In 1972, the monument was accidentally hit by a truck and badly damaged. It was hauled to Barre, Vermont for repair. A new base was installed with a curbing to prevent further mishap.
About This Item
- Title: Stevens Monument, Fryeburg, ca. 1914
- Creator: Byron E. Emery
- Creation Date: circa 1914
- Subject Date: circa 1914
- Location: Fryeburg, Oxford County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 20 cm x 28 cm
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Fryeburg Historical Society83 Portland St, Fryeburg, ME 04037
(207) 256-3001
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