Contributed by United Society of Shakers
The automobile made long-distance travel far more feasible. The Shakers took full advantage of opportunities to visit their Brothers and Sisters at distant communities. Along the way they would be sure to take in points of interest- for example, the Maine coast.
Serving as guide on this expedition is Elder William Dumont of Sabbathday Lake at the left rear. Visiting from the Hancock, MA, community are, left to right: Sisters Frances Hall, Jennie Pettif, Catherine Dimitroff, Anna Delcheff and Alice Smith, accompanied by Brother Alexander Pettit. The middle three Sisters were all born in Bulgaria and were among many Central Europeans who joined the Mt. Lebanon, NY, and Hancock Shaker communities at the turn of the twentieth century.
About This Item
- Title: Hancock Shakers Visiting Scarboro Beach, 1916
- Creator: Delmer Charles Wilson
- Creation Date: 1916-09-18
- Subject Date: 1916-09-18
- Location: Scarborough, Cumberland County, ME
- Media: print, glass-plate negative
- Local Code: GP-80
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Shakers--History
- Beaches--Maine--Scarborough
- United Society of Shakers--Massachusetts--Hancock
- Shakers--Missions--Maine--Sabbathday Lake
- Shakers--Social life and customs
- United Society of Shakers--New York--Mt. Lebanon
- United Society of Shakers--Maine--New Gloucester--Sabbathday Lake
- Shaker men
- Shaker women
- Christian communities
- Delcheff, Anna
- Dimitroff, Catherine
- Dumont, William
- Hall, Frances
- Pettif, Jennie
- Pettit, Alexander
- Smith, Alice
Other Keywords
- Agriculture
- Alfred
- Buildings
- Delmer Charles Wilson
- Farm
- New Hampshire
- People
- Photography
- Portraits
- Recreation & leisure
- Religion
- Religion & philosophy
- Religious community
- Shaker
For more information about this item, contact:
United Society of Shakers707 Shaker Road, New Gloucester, ME 04260
(207) 926-4597
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