Botanic physician letter of diagnosis, Springvale, 1886

Contributed by Maine Historical Society

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Botanic physician letter of diagnosis, Springvale, 1886


Dr. Wesley W. Frost, a "Clairvoyant and Botanic Physician" from Springvale, wrote to Mrs. Moulton on July 23, 1886, explaining his diagnosis of hair.

The letter likely went to Susan E. Moulton, wife of Lorenzo Moulton of Parsonsfield.

Frost wrote that the "trouble" was caused by sluggish action of the liver and kidneys. He went on to explain the situation, which resulted in poor digestion.

Frost concluded, "Think the case can be helped Notice head for terms of treatment." The terms were "Five Dollars per month, payable in advance; all medicines found."

Moulton (1840-1905) may have been seeking advice for herself, Lorenzo (1830-1894), or, perhaps, her mother-in-law, Mary Moulton (1811-1892), who lived with them.

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About This Item

  • Title: Botanic physician letter of diagnosis, Springvale, 1886
  • Creator: Wesley W. Frost
  • Creation Date: 1886-07-23
  • Subject Date: 1886-07-23
  • Location: Springvale, Sanford, York County, ME
  • Media: Ink on paper
  • Dimensions: 23.5 cm x 14.5 cm
  • Local Code: Coll. S-6581
  • Collection: Moulton family letters
  • Object Type: Text

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