Contributed by Dixfield Historical Society
- MMN #101142
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This record was added to Maine Memory Network through the efforts of a student at Dirigo. More info about student projects.
A man standing on the flatbed of a 1950 Ford R-5 Liberty Bell truck promoted the purchase of United States Saving Bonds. The truck was parked at Hardings Sporting Goods Company in downtown Dixfield.
Trucks like this one traveled across the United States with a replica of the Liberty Bell installed to raise money for the Treasury Department by encouraging saving by the average citizen in the post World War II era.
The two women behind the truck are identified as Cora Corrow on the left and Sara Pepper on the right. Boy Scouts observed from inside of the garage.
Hardings Sporting Goods Company faced the intersection of Weld and Main Streets and was the site of the former Gates Garage. Hardings was in business during the 1940s and early 1950s. Edgar Bujold bought the building in 1953 and moved Dixfield Drug Store there. In 2015, Log Cabin Crafts, owned by Norrine Clarke, occupies the left side and a church chapel is to the right.
About This Item
- Title: Selling savings bonds on Ford Liberty Bell truck, Dixfield, ca. 1950
- Creation Date: circa 1950
- Subject Date: circa 1950
- Location: Dixfield, Oxford County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 10 cm x 15.5 cm
- Local Code: 2015-114
- Collection: Reference Photograph Collection #058 (DHS)
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Certificates--Maine--Dixfield
- Dixfield (Me. : Town)
- Saving & investment--Maine--Dixfield
- Trucks--United States--Maine--Dixfield
- United States. Department of the Treasury
Other Keywords
- Ford Liberty Bell Fleet
- Ford R-5 Liberty Bell Truck
- Ford Vintage Trucks
- Indian baskets
- Sporting Goods Stores
- US Savings Bonds
For more information about this item, contact:
Dixfield Historical Society59 Main Street, PO Box 182, Dixfield, ME 04224
(207) 562-7595
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. No Permission is required to use the low-resolution watermarked image for educational use, or as allowed by the applicable copyright. For all other uses, permission is required.
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