Contributed by Charlotte Hobbs Memorial Library
John "the Judge" Hobbs, his wife, Dora Hobbs, and "Margaret" are shown on the front lawn of their home in Lovell.
John and Dora Hobbs were the parents of Charlotte Hobbs, a graduate of Fryeburg Academy and Wellesley College who was a teacher, tutor and historian in Lovell and who spearheaded efforts to build a library in the town. After her death, the library was named for her.
About This Item
- Title: John and Dora Hobbs with Margaret, ca. 1900
- Creation Date: circa 1900
- Subject Date: circa 1900
- Location: Lovell, Oxford County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Charlotte Hobbs Memorial LibraryPO Box 105, Lovell, ME 04051
(207) 925-3177
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