Contributed by Camp Runoia
On the far left of this picture is the Dining Hall. The three identical cabins are from left to right: First, Second and what was originally called the "Baby Shack" where the oldest campers lived. Now the cabins are surrounded by trees and additional buildings have been built. The "Baby Shack" is called Third Shack. In the 1960-70s the youngest campers lived there. Now. the middle of the Junior campers live in Third Shack. All these buildings were designed by Lucy Weiser, the co-founder of Camp Runoia, who was an industrial designer.
About This Item
- Title: Camp Runoia First, Second, and Baby Shack, or Third Shack, Belgrade Lakes, 1915
- Creation Date: 1915
- Subject Date: 1915
- Location: Belgrade Lakes, Kennebec County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Local Code: 1915 Logbook
- Collection: Camp Runoia Log Book Collection
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Camp RunoiaPO Box 450, Belgrade Lakes, ME
(207) 495-2228
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