Allocation of money for the children of the late John B. Russwurm, Yarmouth, 1852

Contributed by Maine Historical Society

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Allocation of money for the children of the late John B. Russwurm, Yarmouth, 1852

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The estate of the late John B. Russwurm allocated funds for his two sons in the care of Russwurm's step-mother, Susan Hawes and a daughter from her first marriage, Ann Blanchard. Russwurm's sons George S. and Francis (Frank), were educated in Maine while Russwurm lived in Africa.

The funds were for board, spending money and clothing. Russwurm's lawyer, Jacob G. Loving provided arrangements.

John Brown Russwurm (1799-1851) was an American newspaper editor, abolitionist and later the governor of the Maryland colony in Liberia. He was a member of the Bowdoin College Class of 1826. A supporter of the colonization movement, he was elected Governor of Liberia in 1839 and died in office in 1851.

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About This Item

  • Title: Allocation of money for the children of the late John B. Russwurm, Yarmouth, 1852
  • Creator: John Brown Russwurm
  • Creation Date: 1852-07-06
  • Subject Date: 1852-07-06
  • Location: Yarmouth, Cumberland County, ME
  • Media: Ink on paper
  • Dimensions: 36.1 cm x 30.5 cm
  • Local Code: Coll. S-1864
  • Collection: John Russwurm correspondence
  • Object Type: Text and Image

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