Contributed by Northern Light Mercy Hospital
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing class of 1979. Class members included: Nancy Bailey, Marilyn Berry, Karen Bisson, Lisa Carver, Nancy Daigle, Ruby Davis, Linda Doherty, Serena Dulac, Susan Eaton, Elizabeth Elliott, Barbara Estabrook, Kathryn Farrington, Linda Gauthier, Kimberly Gray, Sue Guptill, Valerie Hensel, Kristi Hyde, Rhonda Lazara, Michelle LeComte, Laurie Morin, Gail Orsini, Tania Pike, Celeste Rodrigue, Sr. Doris Rondeau, Susan Shaw, Gayle Smith, Cleo Stockton, Pamela Tamburo, Sandra Terrell, Judith Tewhey, Cynthia Toher, Lisa Valentine, and Rose Winter.
About This Item
- Title: Mercy Hospital School of Nursing, Portland, class of 1979
- Creation Date: 1979
- Subject Date: 1979
- Location: Portland, Cumberland County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm
- Collection: Mercy Hospital Historic Archive
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Northern Light Mercy Hospital175 Fore River Parkway, Portland, ME 04102
(207) 879-3000
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