Contributed by Monson Historical Society
August 19, 1922 was the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Monson. Citizens were awakened at 6 am sharp with the peal of church bells and the boom of a cannon as the days celebration commenced. A large parade, water sports, band concert by the Monson community band, track events, dinners, ball game, antique display, a centennial program and the day was ended with a grand ball.
About This Item
- Title: Monson Centennial celebration 1922
- Creation Date: 1922-08-19
- Subject Date: 1922-08-19
- Location: Monson-Maine, Monson, Piscataquis County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 6.98 cm x 28.57 cm
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Monson Historical SocietyPO Box 308, Monson, ME 04464
(207) 876-3073
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