Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Architecture commission for an unknown client at an unknown address in Naples, ME, 1905. The commission is associated with John Calvin Stevens. This item is part of the Stevens Architects drawings and records collection.
The Naples Hotel, also known as the Bay of Naples Inn, was owned by Augustus F. Bove, who was originally from Italy. He and his wife purchased the Naples Hotel on the Naples Causeway across from Long Lake and made it their home for more than 50 years. The hotel was most recently a bed and breakfast named the Augustus F. Bove House. The grand hotel on the top of the hill was called the Bay of Naples Hotel, which in 1950s was auctioned, and condominiums later built on the property.
About This Item
- Title: Bay of Naples Inn, Naples, 1905
- Address: unknown, Naples, Cumberland County, ME
- Creation Date: 1905
- Subject Date: 1905
- Primary Architects: John Calvin Stevens
- Contributors: The Portland Co.
- Object Type: Text and Image
- Subtype: architectural drawing
- Media/Genre: architectural elements; correspondence; elevations; floor plans; foundation plans; mechanical drawings; presentation drawings; sketches; technical drawings
- Materials: blueprints; graphite on linen; graphite on paper; graphite on tracing paper; ink on linen
- Local Code: Coll. 209, 2-E-5-01.001
- Collection: Stevens Architects drawings and records collection
- Number of items in commission: 10
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For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
The copyright status is unknown to the contributing organization.
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