Contributed by Maine Historical Society
This volume is comprised of materials which relate to land settlement and Plymouth company activity along the Kennebec River during the years 1768 to 1800.
This volume was originally marked as Volume 3, and is part of the Plymouth Company archival collection (Coll. 60), which arrived at Maine Historical Society in the 1860s. Since that time, it was also marked as Coll. 60, Volume 5, giving the book two designations. The original title is "Plymouth Company Records, Volume 3, 1749-1753," which is the original name assigned by the Kennebec Proprietors.
Some notable details included in Records, Volume 3 are company decisions regarding the “Ballstown trespassers,” the illegal cutting of timber, the appointment of John Adams as company attorney, the discussion of mounting legal action against company shareholder Samuel Goodwin, and the agreement with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts about undivided land.
To search the entire Plymouth Company collection visit our Beyond Borders search page.
To learn more about the history of the Plymouth Company or MHS's Beyond Borders project, please visit our project website.
About This Item
- Title: Plymouth Company Records, Volume 3 (Vol. 5), 1749-1753
- Creator: Plymouth Company
- Creation Date: 1800–1768
- Subject Date: 1749–1753
- Dresden, Lincoln County, ME
- Augusta, Kennebec County, ME
- Media: Ink on Paper
- Dimensions: 20.7 cm x 32.7 cm
- Local Code: Coll. 60, vol. 5
- Collection: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) records
- Object Type: Text
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Adams, John, 1735-1826
- Deeds.
- Kennebec Patent (Me.).
- Land grants -- Maine.
- Land tenure -- Maine.
- Maine -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
- Plymouth Company (1749-1816)
- Plymouth Company (1749-1816) -- Manuscript -- Early works to 1800.
- Plymouth Company (1749-1816) -- Records and correspondence.
- Adams, Abijah
- Adams, John
- Adams, Thomas
- Allen, Benjamin
- Allen, Thomas
- Alline, Henry
- Alline, William
- Andrews, William
- Apthorp, Charles
- Atkinson, James
- Ayers, Moses
- Bacon, Ebenezer
- Baker, William
- Ball, John
- Ball, Samuel
- Ballard, Ephraim
- Banks, Moses
- Bayard, James
- Bean, Edward
- Bean, Joel
- Bean, Joshua
- Bishop, Squire
- Blake, Paul
- Blanchard, Edward
- Blunt, Jonathan
- Bolkcom, Elijah
- Bowdoin, James
- Bowdoin, William
- Boyle, Jonathan
- Bradley, Jonathan
- Bragg, Jonathan
- Bragg, Nathaniel
- Brattle, William
- Bridge, James
- Brown, Aaron
- Brown, Ephraim
- Brown, Joseph
- Burrill, Abraham
- Callahan, Charles
- Card, Joel
- Carron, Adam
- Carter, James
- Chamberlain, Joshua
- Chandler, Jonathan
- Chandler, Joshua
- Chandler, Moses
- Chase, Ebenezer
- Chase, Matthew
- Chase, Roger
- Churchill, Joseph
- Clark, Andrew
- Clark, Edmund
- Clark, Lewis
- Clough, Jabez
- Collar, James
- Cowing, Alisha
- Cowing, Jabez
- Coye, Abiel
- Craggin, Joshua
- Cushing, Charles
- Cushing, William
- Dane, Nathan
- Davenport, Abraham
- Davenport, Ebenezer
- Davis, Jonathan
- Dayer, Jonathan
- Delano, Ebenezer
- Dexter, Samuel
- Doe, Nathaniel
- Dudley, Benjamin
- Dudley, Joseph
- Dudley, Nathaniel
- Dutton, Samuel
- Eastman, Samuel
- Eckley, Joshua
- Emerson, Samuel
- Emery, John
- Emery, Samuel
- Fairbanks, Benjamin
- Fairbrother, Lovell
- Farwell, Ebenezer
- Filestone, Jonathan
- Fish, George
- Flagg, Gershom
- Fletcher, Daniel
- Fletcher, William
- Fling, Moses
- Floyd, Nathaniel
- Folsom, John
- Folsom, Peter
- Foster, Billy
- Foster, David
- Foster, Timothy
- Fought, Jacob
- Fowle, Samuel
- Fox, Jonathan
- Frost, Samuel
- Fuller, John
- Gardiner, Silvester
- Gatchell, Dennis
- Gatchell, Samuel
- Gilman, Nathaniel
- Goodwin, Samuel
- Greeley, Moses
- Gulliver, Thomas
- Hall, Nathan
- Hall, Willis
- Hallowell, Benjamin
- Hancock, John
- Hapgood, Ephraim
- Hartwell, Edward
- Holden, Jonathan
- Hopkins, Peter
- Howard, Samuel
- Huston, Jonathan
- Hutchkins, Thomas
- Ireland, Abraham
- Ireland, John
- Jakins, Frederick
- Jeffries, David
- Jewett, David
- Jewett, John
- Jewett, Maxamillion
- Jones, John
- Jones, Stephen
- Keith, Scotland
- Kemble, Thomas
- Kendall, Abraham
- Kidder, Noah
- Lane, Ephraim
- Leighton, John
- Lew, John
- Llyod, Jonathan
- Longley, Nehemiah
- Lowell, John
- McFadden, Daniel
- McKechnie, John
- Mitchell, Josiah
- Nelson, David
- North, John
- Norton, Stephen
- Nwelan, John
- Oakes, Jonathan
- Page, Abraham
- Page, Caleb
- Parker, James
- Philbrick, Jonathan
- Phillips, Asa
- Piper, Benjamin
- Pitts, James
- Plummer, John
- Prescott, Jedidiah
- Pullen, Stephen
- Reed, Jonathan
- Reed, Samuel
- Richardson, Joel
- Robbins, Chad
- Robbins, Joshua
- Rose, Josiah
- Savage, Edward
- Sears, Paul
- Shannon, William
- Shead, William
- Sleeper, John
- Smith, Elisha
- Smith, John
- Smith, Thomas
- Spaulding, Joshua
- Spratt, George
- Stain, John
- Stanley, Nathaniel
- Stevens, Amos
- Stevens, Ephraim
- Steward, Phinneas
- Steward, Samuel
- Steward, Solomon
- Stone, Nathan
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, William
- Temple, Robert
- Thayer, Arodi
- Thorn, Mitchell
- Tiffany, Samuel
- Turner, James
- Tyng, John
- Vasall, William
- Vassall, Florentius
- Vaughan, Charles
- Wadsworth, Luke
- Ward, Joshua
- Warren, William
- Waugh, Robert
- Weld, Habijah
- Wells, Joshua
- White, John
- Whitecomb, Robert
- Whiting, Jonathan
- Whitter, Nathaniel
- Whitter, William
- Wing, Reuben
- Witham, Benjamin
- Woodward, Noah
- Wyman, Abraham
- Wyman, Seth
Other Keywords
- Ballstown
- Belgrade
- Canaan
- Dresden
- Harlem
- Jefferson
- Kennebec Proprietors
- Kennebec Purchase Company
- Mt. Vernon
- Pownalborough
- Sidney
For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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