Panoramic View, aftermath of the Great Houlton Fire of 1902

Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum

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MMN #13554
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Panoramic View, aftermath of the Great Houlton Fire of 1902

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The Great Fire of Houlton, 1902, started in a coal bin in a storage shed behind the Fogg Building (which is beyond the right hand side of the picture.)

A high, shifting wind blew sparks that spread the fire south-east from there. The fire burned 20 business blocks, three churches and 75 houses, displacing 80 families.

Broadway is in the middle ground with the courthouse just right of center. The combination of wood frame commercial buildings and the lack of a water main to tap for fighting the fire contributed to the disaster.

This is a panoramic view made from three images. For the original images see MMN #11117, 11118, 11119.

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About This Item

  • Title: Panoramic View, aftermath of the Great Houlton Fire of 1902
  • Creation Date: 1902
  • Subject Date: 1902
  • Location: Houlton, Aroostook County, ME
  • Media: Photographic print
  • Dimensions: 16.6 cm x 69.5 cm
  • Object Type: Image

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Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
109 Main Street, Houlton, ME 04730

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