Contributed by Maine Historical Society
In the spring in Northern Forest bogs, relatively large nectar awards are available to Bumblebees, from the first willows offering easy to access nectar and pollen, that is available in separate male and female flowers on respective male and female trees.
After that bloom, the Bees then visit a variety of the plant species blooming together and one after another. Their flowers (with both sexes in the same flowers on the same plants) are sufficiently different from each species that individual Bees hone their skills by specializing on one species and minoring on another that is similar. When several species bloom at once, and then one species blooms after another, they switch majors.
—Bernd Heinrich, 2023
About This Item
- Title: "A Bog Bouquet, Huckleberry Bog," Weld, 2007
- Creator: Bernd Heinrich
- Creation Date: 2007
- Subject Date: 2007
- Location: Weld, Franklin County, ME
- Media: Watercolor on paper
- Local Code: 2018.213.425
- Object Type: Image
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