Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Guy P. Gannett posed in the cockpit of his airplane, dressed in his Civil Air Patrol (CAP) uniform. In December of 1941, Guy P. Gannett assumed the rank of Maine Wing Commander for the Civil Air Patrol and played a crucial role in establishing the national organization.
CAP Volunteers flew coastal patrols from March of 1942 to August of 1943 from 21 bases from Maine to Texas. These low-speed and low-altitude patrols proved effective at spotting German U-boats, floating mines, and other small objects that much faster military aircraft could easily miss. More importantly, the small aircraft were also an effective deterrent to U-boats, which would crash-dive and flee on sight of aircraft.
During their 18-month mission during the war, CAP volunteers flew 24 million miles, spotted approximately 173 submarines, and located 363 survivors in search and rescue missions. They also provided courier services and towed targets for anti-aircraft battery practice.
About This Item
- Title: Civil Air Patrol commander Guy P. Gannett, ca. 1942
- Creation Date: circa 1942
- Subject Date: circa 1942
- Location: ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm
- Local Code: Coll. 2010, Box 13/5
- Collection: Guy Gannett Foundation collection
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Air pilots
- Airplanes--Maine
- Civil Defense--Maine
- United States. Air Force.
- United States. Civil Air Patrol--Maine
- United States. Civil Air Patrol. Costal Patrol
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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