Contributed by Davistown Museum
Made by Isaac Haskell of Garland, Maine. This tool has the appearance of being made of cast steel but the back of the shave shows clear evidence of a weld steel cutting edge. Haskell was a blacksmith who also made tools. This may be the only known shave by this maker as this is a previously unrecorded maker's mark. A donation to the museum by Rick Floyd.
Size: 16 1/4" wide, 10 3/8" long blade.
Markings: "I. HASKELL".
A flat or curved blade used in many different trades for the removal of surplus wood and for rounding and chamfering. It would be held between the bench and user's chest or held in a vice or horse with the tool being drawn towards the user. Also called a drawknife.
About This Item
- Title: Drawshave, ca. 1865
- Creator: I. Haskell
- Creation Date: circa 1865
- Subject Date: circa 1865
- Location: Garland, Penobscot County, ME
- Media: Weld steel
- Local Code: 71903T5
- Collection: Maine Made Tool Table-Maritime V
- Object Type: Physical Object
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For more information about this item, contact:
Davistown MuseumPO Box 346, 58 Main Street #4, Liberty, ME 04949
(207) 288-5126
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