Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
This scene was made by Leon E. Goodwin as an entry in a contest sponsored by a match manufacturing company. The entire scene is made of matches, some shaved and glued together, then carved. Mr. Goodwin had misunderstood the rules, which stipulated that whole matches were to be used. However, the company was so impressed they awarded him a second prize of $50. Mr. Goodwin was a resident of the Amity, Monticello, Houlton area from 1930 until the time of his death in 1978.
About This Item
- Title: Diorama of the Northern Maine Woods , ca. 1930
- Creator: Leon E. Goodwin
- Creation Date: circa 1930
- Subject Date: circa 1930
- Location: Amity, Aroostook County, ME
- Media: Match sticks and paint
- Dimensions: 18 cm x 55 cm x 35 cm
- Object Type: Physical Object
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For more information about this item, contact:
Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum109 Main Street, Houlton, ME 04730
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