Contributed by Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum
This painting, by an unknown artist, is an interpretation of what Acadian woman's clothing may have looked like. It depicts a woman wearing typical workers' clothing including sabots (wooden shoes) and she is spinning yarn with a drop spindle as she walks perhaps to a neighbor's home.
Making adequate clothing for the family required constant effort and while a spinning wheel was more efficient, a drop spindle was portable. Women spun yarn on a drop spindle for knitting or weaving while walking to a neighbor's home and while visiting so as to not waste the time during transit.
About This Item
- Title: Acadian woman spinning yarn, ca. 1895
- Creation Date: circa 1895
- Subject Date: circa 1895
- Location: Houlton, Aroostook County, ME
- Media: Painting
- Dimensions: 50 cm x 35 cm
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Acadians--Clothing & dress
- Acadians--Domestic life
- Acadians--Economic & social conditions
- Acadians--Social life
- Acadians--Women
- Spinning apparatus
- Spinning--Maine--Houlton
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum109 Main Street, Houlton, ME 04730
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