Contributed by Bangor Public Library
Soldiers at Dow Field were treated to an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner in the mess hall; the WAC corps decorated the tables and soldiers and officers were invited to bring their wives. The dinner began promptly at noon for officers, who were waited on; soldiers progressed through the mess lines as usual--although somewhat slowed by the profusion of food. The menu included all of the traditional items: turkey, gravy, stuffing, creamed cauliflower--and finished with cake, pies, cider, coffee--and cigarettes.
About This Item
- Title: Thanksgiving at Dow Field, Bangor, 1944
- Creator: Signal Section Dow Field
- Creation Date: 1944
- Subject Date: 1944
- Location: Dow Field, Bangor, Penobscot County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 12 cm x 10 cm
- Local Code: 974.131 .D752a v.1
- Collection: Dow Field Collection
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Dow Field Hospital (Me.)
- World War, 1939-1945--Military personnel
- World War, 1939-1945--War work
- Mess halls--Maine--Bangor
- Women--Military service
- United States. Army. Women's Army Corps
- Dow Air Force Base (Me.)--Facilities
- Dining rooms
- Thanksgiving Day
- Eating & drinking
Other Keywords
- Air Force
- Army Air Corps
- Dow Air Force Base
- Dow Field
- Military
- W.A.C.
- Women's Army Corps
- World War Two
For more information about this item, contact:
Bangor Public Library145 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 947-8336
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. No Permission is required to use the low-resolution watermarked image for educational use, or as allowed by the applicable copyright. For all other uses, permission is required.
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