Contributed by Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries
The wedding party and guests at the April 1897 marriage of Marie Philippon and Alfred Tancrel. The photo was taken in the backyard of the Tancrel property at 24 River Street, Lewiston.
From left are Marie Philippon, Alfred Tancrel, attendants Emilie Philippon and unknown man, mother of the groom Zenaide Tancrel, father of the groom Ozios Tancrel, mother of the bride Emilie Philippon with baby Albert in her arms, father of the bride Alphonse Philippon, Philippon children Julia, Clothilde, and Rose in front of their parents, and Anna Philippon next to her father.
This photograph not only illustrates the large size of Franco-American families, which could typically include more than twelve children, but also the tight living conditions endured by many early immigrants. Enterprising landlords or even the companies which operated the mills would rent out small apartment rooms to new arrivals, often with several families sharing a single room.
Be sure to compare the 'Sunday Best' of these Franco-Americans with the more typical work clothes in other photographs.
About This Item
- Title: Wedding party, Lewiston, 1897
- Creation Date: 1897
- Subject Date: 1897
- Location: Lewiston, Androscoggin County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 22 cm x 28 cm
- Local Code: 2013.0.3
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Philippon, Albert
- Philippon, Alphonse
- Philippon, Anna
- Philippon, Clothilde
- Philippon, Emilie
- Philippon, Julia
- Philippon, Marie
- Philippon, Rose
- Tancrel, Alfred
- Tancrel, Ozios
Other Keywords
- 1897
- April
- backyard
- bride
- Franco American
- French American
- groom
- marriage
- Philippon-Tancrel
- River Street, Lewiston
- Tancrel-Philippon
- wedding
For more information about this item, contact:
Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries51 Westminster Street, Lewiston, ME 04240
(207) 753-6545
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