Steep Falls Grammar School, 1934

Contributed by an individual through Steep Falls Library

Steep Falls Grammar School, 1934

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Group portrait of the students and teachers from the Steep Falls Grammar School, 1934, including grades 1--8. The dog, Pal Gain went to school every day and waited outside.

Row 1: Olive Harrington, Helen Thombs, Dotty Gain, Betty Gain, Kathleen Coolbroth, Jane Pendexter, Beulah Smith, Leora Perkins.
Betwen row 1 and 2: Hazel Thombs.
Row 2: Raymond Richardson, Hilbert Woodbrey, Agnes Harmon, Dennis Graffam, Norman Pomerleau, Wallace Gallant, Morris Ward, Carl Gain.
Row 3: Laith Hanscom, Robert Gain, Laura Sanborn, Clovis Woodbrey, Edna Lewis, Marjorie Nason.
Row 4: Charlie Gain, Merwin Woodbrey, Catherine Smith, Bill Ward, Charlotte Nason, Eleanor Lewis.

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About This Item

  • Title: Steep Falls Grammar School, 1934
  • Creation Date: 1934
  • Subject Date: 1934
  • Location: Steep Falls, Standish, Cumberland County, ME
  • Media: Photographic print
  • Dimensions: 20 cm x 25 cm
  • Local Code: Private
  • Collection: Private collection
  • Object Type: Image

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For more information about this item, contact:

Steep Falls Library
1128 Pequawket Trl, Steep Falls, ME 04085
(207) 675-3132

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