Rev. Dr. Edward Ballard, Brunswick, ca. 1860

Contributed by Pejepscot History Center

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Rev. Dr. Edward Ballard, Brunswick, ca. 1860


Rev. Edward Ballard became the rector of St. Paul's Church in 1858. He was older and had more experience than any of his predecessors. He was scholarly, able, and with a personality that endeared him to all who knew him. His loyal service to the Parish, the Diocese, and the community covered the trying years of the Civil War. "Dr. Ballard's rector ship was remarkable, not only for its being the longest (12 years, 7 months) up to that time, but in the unity and strength of devotion that he inspired in the hearts of his people; the Parish had always been small, but it had never been more united." "Dr. Ballard died suddenly November 14, 1870, in his 65th year, beloved by all and mourned by the Diocese, the Parish, and the Town, to each of which he had given the finest years of his life." "On Thanksgiving Day, 1871, a memorial window to Dr. Ballard was unveiled."

“The Story of the first Hundred Years of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brunswick, Maine, 1844 – 1944”, published by the church, July 1944, p. 15, 16, and 17.

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About This Item

  • Title: Rev. Dr. Edward Ballard, Brunswick, ca. 1860
  • Creator: Wm. Pierce
  • Creation Date: circa 1860
  • Subject Date: circa 1860
  • Location: Brunswick, Cumberland County, ME
  • Media: Photographic print
  • Dimensions: 10 cm x 6 cm
  • Local Code: OH1726.7B
  • Object Type: Image

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Pejepscot History Center
159 Park Row, Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 729-6606

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