Contributed by Hamlin Memorial Library and Museum
A commemorative print of the flight of the Southern Cross,, which made the first trans-Pacific flight.
Starting May 31, 1928 in Oakland, California, and ending June 9 in Brisbane, Australia, the plane and its four-person crew flew almost 7,200 miles over 83 hours and 50 minutes. They stopped in Hawaii and Fiji along the way.
Harry Lyon of Paris Hill was the navigator on the flight.
About This Item
- Title: Southern Cross commemorative print, ca. 1928
- Creator: Charles Hubbell
- Creation Date: circa 1928
- Subject Date: 1928
- Oakland, CA
- Brisbane, Australia
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 31.5 cm x 40 cm
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Hamlin Memorial Library and MuseumPO Box 4316, Hannibal Hamlin Drive, Paris, ME 04271
(207) 743-2980
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