A Father advises his son, Lubec, 1913

Contributed by Lubec Historical Society


Member of a pre-eminent Lubec business family, Jacob Clark Pike (the Secretary of the Lubec Sardine Company, one of the largest in the world) saw his son Sumner graduate from Bowdoin College in 1913. That fall Sumner entered Harvard Business School...for a few weeks. Possibly somewhat taken aback when Sumner wrote explaining his decision to leave Harvard and enter business, in this letter Jacob distills his perspective on what a young man has to do to succeed.

After several subsequent financial careers, Sumner, a Republican, began serving within the democratic Roosevelt Administration in 1938. The next year President Roosevelt appointed him a member of the Securites and Exchange Commission. Resigning in 1945 he returned home to Lubec...briefly. President Truman called him back to sit on the original Atomic Energy Commission where Sumner served several years, briefly as chairman.

Later he helped spearhead development of Roosevelt International Park and construction of the bridge which links Lubec with Campobello.

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About This Item

  • Title: A Father advises his son, Lubec, 1913
  • Creation Date: 1913-11-07
  • Subject Date: 1913
  • Location: Lubec, Washington County, ME
  • Media: Ink on paper
  • Dimensions: 27.9 cm x 8.5 cm
  • Local Code: Advice to Sumner p1
  • Object Type: Text

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Lubec Historical Society
135 Main Street, Lubec, ME 04652

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