Contributed by Margaret Bailey through Lubec Memorial Library
Students of the Lubec Grammar School seventh grade in 1922.
Front Row (l to r): Carl Robbins, George Stewart, Basil Newman, Bernard Sheehan, Paul Henderson, Earl Thompson. Second Row: Margaret Mulholland, Ann Unobsky, Margaret McBride, Katherine Holmes, Arlene Misner, Delma Burgess, Irene Tinker, Wilma Denbow, Sadie Graham, Ruby Morgan. Third Row: Bert Unobsky, Thomas Mulholland, Eva McCann, Salome Wright, Margaret Cleaves, Irma Craney, Cecil Tyler, Andrew Haskins.
Fourth Row: Lawson Davis, Earl McLaughlin, Helen Davidson, Faye Guptill, Mary Toft.
About This Item
- Title: Lubec Grammar School Seventh Grade, Lubec, 1922
- Creation Date: 1922
- Subject Date: 1922
- Location: Lubec, Washington County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 12.5 cm x 17.7 cm
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Burgess, Delma
- Cleaves, Margaret
- Craney, Irma
- Davidson, Helen
- Davis, Lawson
- Denbow, Wilma
- Graham, Sadie
- Guptill, Faye
- Haskins, Andrew
- Henderson, Paul
- Holmes, Katherine
- McBride, Margaret
- McCann, Eva
- McLaughlin, Earl
- Misner, Arlene
- Morgan, Ruby
- Mulholland, Margaret
- Mulholland, Thomas
- Newman, Basil
- Robbins, Carl
- Sheehan, Bernard
- Stewart, George
- Thompson, Earl
- Tinker, Irene
- Toft, Mary
- Tyler, Cecil
- Unobsky, Ann
- Unobsky, Bert
- Wright, Salome
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Lubec Memorial Library55 Water Street, Lubec, ME 04652
(207) 733-2491
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