Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Having spent 32 days traveling from Louisville to St. Louis, a journey that usually takes five days, George Washington Pierce wrote to his parents in Baldwin that he had encountered storms at every stage of his journey West to find a suitable location for his law practice.
He noted that he missed his friends in Maine and the Maine landscape. He was disappointed with the people and prospects in Missouri. He wrote, "Indeed no fortune could tempt me to take up my residence for life in this state."
He wrote, "The population is so motley and disagreeable in its character, it presents such a disgusting contrast to the sober and intelligent poeple of New England. . ."
He said, "I feel no mortification at the thought of returning, tho I well remember I left home with the intention of settling here; for I know there are many will welcome me back."
About This Item
- Title: G.W. Pierce from St. Louis, 1829
- Creator: George Washington Pierce
- Creation Date: 1829-03-13
- Subject Date: 1829
- Location: Saint Louis, MO
- Media: Ink on paper
- Local Code: Coll. 4210
- Collection: Pierce family collection
- Object Type: Text
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Pierce family
- Pierce, George W. (George Washington)--Correspondence
- Letters
- Pierce, George W. (George Washington)--Travel
- Prejudices
Other Keywords
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(207) 774-1822 x230
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