Contributed by Thomaston Historical Society
The Carr O'Brien block, was built in 1852 at the corner of Wadsworth Street and Country Road (now the intersection of US Route One and Wadsworth) by Edward O'Brien and Benjamin Carr. It housed a bank established by Edward O'Brien, the Georges Bank, in addition to the Thomaston Savings Bank, a sailmaking business, a general and grocery store business, and a millinery shop. In the early 20th century, the J.B. Pearson factory used the building. The building now serves as the Prison Showroom, exhibiting furniture and various crafts for sale, which are manufactured by inmates.
About This Item
- Title: Carr O'Brien Block, Upper Corner, Thomaston, Maine 2007
- Creator: Thomaston Historical Society
- Creation Date: 2007
- Media: Color digital photograph
- Object Type: Image
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Thomaston Historical SocietyPO Box 384, Thomaston, ME 04861
(207) 354 2295
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