Contributed by Kent State University Special Collections and Archives through Maine Historical Society
The cover of the text, Confession of George Hamilton for the Murder of Mary Bean,.
The book was the second (and last) part of the story of Mary Bean, a sensationalized version of the death of Berengera Caswell, who died in Biddeford from an infection following an abortion.
The doctor, who named her Mary Bean, was charged with murder. George Hamilton was a fictional name for William Long, with whom Caswell had an intimate relationship.
Hamilton's story is mostly fictional.
It was written by The Rev. Mr. Miller.
About This Item
- Title: Cover, 'Confession of George Hamilton,' 1852
- Creation Date: 1852
- Subject Date: 1852
- Location: Saco, York County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Object Type: Text and Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Caswell, Berengera Dalton, 1828-1850
- Hamilton, George (Fictional character)
- Murder--Maine--Saco
- Physicians--Maine--Saco
- Saco (Me.)--History--19th century
For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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