Contributed by Brick Store Museum
Advertisement from the July 29, 1905 issue of The Wave, a weekly turn-of-the-century summer publication promoting the Kennebunks and announcing all the arrivals to the various hotels.
The advertisement encourages people to take advantage of the Atlantic Shore Line Railway to have a shore dinner at the Cape Porpoise Casino.
About This Item
- Title: "Wave" advertisement for the Kennebunks, 1905
- Creation Date: 1905-07-29
- Subject Date: 1905
- Kennebunk, York County, ME
- Kennebunkport, York County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Local Code: The Wave, July 29, 1905
- Object Type: Text and Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Cape Porpoise Casino
- Advertising--Maine
- Tourism--Maine
- Advertisements
- Ephemera
- Atlantic Shore Line Railway
- Recreation--Maine
- Electric railroads--Maine
- Transportation--Maine
For more information about this item, contact:
Brick Store Museum117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043
(207) 985-4802
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