Contributed by Pejepscot History Center
Andrew Dennison was born February 22, 1786 in Freeport and died July 3, 1867 in Brunswick.
He moved to Brunswick in 1824 with his wife, Lydia Lufkin and seven children. Later three more children were born in Brunswick.
Col. Dennison was a shoemaker. He was the father of Aaron Dennison and Eliphalet Dennison who made history in the watch and paper industries. The Dennison Manufacturing Co. was the first manufacturing company of paper boxes in the United States. Aaron Dennison started the box company so that he would have quality boxes for his jewelery. After starting his father and brother in that field, he continued with his jewelery business.
Col. Dennison was sergeant of a company in garrison at Fort Preble in Portland Harbor during the War of 1812. Later, he was a colonel of militia.
Col. Andrew Dennison was instrumental in procuring the town clock and bell on the Mason Street Church. He was very interested in having accurate time kept in the village.
About This Item
- Title: Col. Andrew Dennison, Brunswick, ca. 1860
- Creation Date: circa 1860
- Subject Date: circa 1860
- Location: Brunswick, Cumberland County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 12.5 cm x 11.5 cm
- Local Code: OH1726.32c
- Object Type: Image
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Pejepscot History Center159 Park Row, Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 729-6606
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