Contributed by Jeanette King through Lincoln Historical Society
This is a pack of Silver Foxes in one of the outer pens at one of the Frank H. Gordan ranches in Lincoln. Note how high the pens are built with the wire having an overhang to prevent the animals from getting out or predators getting in. The wire extended below the ground for a couple of feet to prevent predators from digging under the fence to get to the foxes and likewise to keep the foxes from digging their way out. In addition to the wire pens inside, there was a tall wooden fence all the way around the fox ranch to again keep predators out and foxes in.
About This Item
- Title: Silver Foxes, Lincoln, ca. 1920
- Creation Date: circa 1920
- Subject Date: circa 1920
- Location: Lincoln, Penobscot County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Fur farming--Maine--Lincoln
- Fox farming--Maine--Lincoln
- Hides & skins--Maine--Lincoln
- Fur garments
- Foxes--Maine--Lincoln
- Silver fox--Maine--Lincoln
For more information about this item, contact:
Lincoln Historical Society29 West Broadway, Lincoln, ME 04457
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