Contributed by Maine Historical Society
Ebeneezer Stevens Greely (1797-1869), who was taking a census of Madawaska for the state of Maine in 1837, was arrested by Canadian authorities, an act that helped to precipitate the Aroostook War, a dispute over the boundary between Maine and New Brunswick.
The federal government required the census for distribution of funds.
Greely wrote to Maj. Gen. Isaac Hodsdon of the Maine militia, from the Frederickton, New Brunswick, jail. He tells Hodsdon, "It is high time that this boundary question should be settled -- If the state of Maine have any claims to this disputed territory she must maintain them ..."
He reported that his census so far had determined there were 1,247 residents of Madawaska, but the total probably was about 2,900, mostly French.
He wrote that the French "dread the calamities of war, and rather suffer than fight ..."
He noted that the people of Madawaska were suffering because New Brunswick prevented them from cutting timber and therefore making money. Weather was preventing the residents from raising crops to feed themselves.
He concluded, "Remembering that I am under the screws of British authority that I can not help squirming and speaking out to my friends in my humble way."
About This Item
- Title: Ebeneezer Greely letter from jail, New Brunswick, 1837
- Creator: Ebeneezer Stevens Greely
- Creation Date: 1837-06-19
- Subject Date: 1837
- Madawaska, Aroostook County, ME
- Fredericton, NB, Canada
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 22.5 cm x 18 cm
- Local Code: Coll. 8, Box 1/5
- Collection: Isaac Hodsdon papers
- Object Type: Text
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Aroostook War, 1839
- Canada--Boundaries--United States
- Greely, Ebenezer S.--Correspondence
- Maine--Boundaries--New Brunswick
- New Brunswick--Boundaries--Maine
- Northeast boundary of the United States
- United States, Census, 1837
- United States--Boundaries--Canada
For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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