Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
Jabez Moses Pike (1824-1904), often called Jabe, “was a craggy-faced, barrel-like fellow of some 225 pounds,” wrote grandson Sumner Pike in the article “Grandpa Was a Smuggler,” for The Saturday Evening Post magazine for August 28, 1948. “He used to wear full-tongued heavy shoes without laces, shapeless pants, a vest...and light-colored cotton shirts...collarless.” Always a prosperous businessman, seems that Jabe “imported” wool and other commodities from Campobello bypassing the high duties until federal officials investigated...and he decided to remain on the Canadian island. But some politicking with the new President Grant administration in 1869 led to a full confession...and full pardon. A letter dated August 24, 1962 refers to this “photo of Jabex Pike, taken in 1892 or thereabouts, in our driveway, by my sister, Mary Otis Porter. She had a hard time persuading him to let her take this picture, and also not to wear his derby hat!” The letter is signed by Frances R. Porter
About This Item
- Title: Jabez Pike, Lubec, ca. 1892, ca. 1892
- Creator: Mary Otis Porter
- Creation Date: circa 1892
- Subject Date: circa 1892
- Location: Lubec, Washington County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 22.4 cm x 17.0 cm
- Local Code: Pike 28 jpg
- Collection: Anne Pike Rugh
- Object Type: Image
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Lubec Historical Society135 Main Street, Lubec, ME 04652
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