Contributed by Matt Hoopes through Lubec Memorial Library
Postcard photograph of July 12 celebration on Johnson Street, also known as The Twelfth or Orangemen's Day, an annual Irish Protestant event commemorating the victory of King William of Orange over Catholic King James II at the Battle of the Boyne (1690). Primarily celebrated in Northern Ireland, the event is also celebrated in areas of settlement by Irish Protestants. This parade was held as recently as 2010 in Bangor.
Message on back of the card reads: "I am sending you a card of this 12 of July selebration. This is sum pretty place."
About This Item
- Title: July 12 celebration, Lubec, ca. 1900
- Creation Date: circa 1900
- Subject Date: circa 1900
- Location: Lubec, Washington County, ME
- Media: Postcard
- Dimensions: 8.6 cm x 13.7 cm
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Parades & processions--Maine--Lubec
- Boyne, Battle of the, Ireland, 1690--Anniversaries, etc.
- Anniversaries--Maine--Lubec
- Protestants--Maine--Lubec
For more information about this item, contact:
Lubec Memorial Library55 Water Street, Lubec, ME 04652
(207) 733-2491
The copyright and related rights status of this item have not been evaluated. Please contact the contributing repository for more information.
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