Presentation letter by Walter Cary, Houlton, 1940

Contributed by Cary Library


Letter by Walter Cary describing the contents and authorship of the S. Cary & Co. Ledger 2, glued to the inside cover of the ledger.

This ledger records the accounts of S Cary and Co for the period 1837-1844. This period covers the formation of Aroostook County (1839), the Bloodless Aroostook War (1839), and the settling of the boundary with British North America by the Webster Ashburton Treaty (1842). It gives background information about Shepard Cary and Collins Whitaker and their rise to positions of importance.

Shepard Cary was an early legislator, lumberman, and merchant in Houlton. The letter also provides much information regarding the importance of this ledger and what can be learned from it.

Walter Cary was the son of Theo Cary and grandson of Shepard and Susanna (Whitaker) Cary. Walter was a prominent Houlton attorney and Cary Library president. Cary Library was endowed through the will of Walter's uncle, Dr George Cary.

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About This Item

  • Title: Presentation letter by Walter Cary, Houlton, 1940
  • Creator: Walter Cary
  • Creation Date: 1940-03-05
  • Subject Date: 1837–1844
  • Locations:
    • Houlton, Aroostook County, ME
    • New Salem, Franklin County, MA
  • Media: Ink on paper
  • Dimensions: 28 cm x 22 cm
  • Object Type: Text

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Cary Library
107 Main Street, Houlton, ME 04730
(207) 532-1302

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