Contributed by Maine Historical Society
This basket is made from split ash and sweet grass and was woven between 1993 and 1996 near Perry, Maine. Basketmaking is involved and time-consuming. First, the men pound ash logs into layers. The weavers then split and scrape these layers creating different gauges of strips. Sweet grass is collected in swampy areas along the ocean shore during July and August. Hours of work go into preparing these materials before the actual weaving begins.
About This Item
- Title: Passamaquoddy basket, Clara and Rocky Keezer, ca. 1993
- Creator: Clara Keezer
- Creation Date: circa 1993
- Subject Date: circa 1993
- Location: Perry, Washington County, ME
- Media: Split ash and sweet grass, Digital photograph
- Local Code: 2000.68.13.4 a,b
- Object Type: Physical Object
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Basket making--Maine--Perry
- Basket making--Passamaquoddy Indian reservation
- Baskets--Maine--Perry
- Indians of North America--Maine--Pasamaquoddy Tribe
- Native American artifacts
- Passamaquoddy Indian Reservation
- Passamaquoddy tribe--Maine--Perry
Other Keywords
- Art, literature & entertainment
- Arts and crafts
- color image
- Home, domestic life & personal possessions
- Museum objects
- Native Americans
For more information about this item, contact:
Maine Historical Society485 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 774-1822 x230
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