Contributed by from Jack Nivison through Winslow Historical Preservation Committee
The second Fort School in Winslow was constructed on the east side of Lithgow Street during the summer of 1909 to replace the one-room original Fort School across from the church. The school had two very large big rooms.
The second Fort School was a "grammar school" that served children from five districts. The first teachers were Miss Fuller and Miss Jaynes.
In this image, the school is facing Lithgow Street. The school, the school lot, and land for a playground cost $4,500.00.
It was part of the Winslow Public School system through 1937-38. In 1963, Waterville Window Company purchased the school and renovated it to serve their purposes.
About This Item
- Title: Second Fort School, Lithgow Street, Winslow, 1910
- Creator: W. A. Judge
- Creation Date: 1910
- Subject Date: 1910
- Location: Winslow, Kennebec County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 15.5 cm x 20.4 cm
- Local Code: 00064
- Object Type: Image
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For more information about this item, contact:
Winslow Historical Preservation CommitteeWinslow Public Library, 136 Halifax Street, Winslow, ME 04901
(207) 872-1978
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