Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
This 27 Summer Street house, on the corner with Church Street, was built in 1860 by Captain William Trott. The house passed to the Peacock family in 1880 when sardine magnate Robert Peacock married Minnie Trott, the old sea captain’s daughter. The house remained in the family through son Carroll B. Peacock (1898-1975) and his wife Sarah (Marston) Peacock.
In 1960 the Peacocks hosted Maine’s U.S. Senator (1949-1973) Margaret Chase Smith (Maine-R). A copy of a typewritten-written letter in the Lubec Historical Society files on Senate letterhead dated September 19, 1960, reads, “Dear Sarah, As always, you are most generous and thoughtful...I always enjoy being with you and Carroll in your attractive and comfortable home...” Signed in pen, “Margaret Smith.”
Though not successful, at the 1964 Republican convention Smith was the first woman to be placed in nomination for the presidency by a major party.
The Peacock House became a Bed & Breakfast in 1998.
About This Item
- Title: Peacock House, Lubec, 1975, 1975
- Creator: Philip Morrison
- Creation Date: 1975
- Subject Date: 1975
- Location: Lubec, Washington County, ME
- Media: Kodachrome slide
- Dimensions: 2.4 cm x 3.5 cm
- Local Code: 568 jpg
- Object Type: Image
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Lubec Historical Society135 Main Street, Lubec, ME 04652
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