Contributed by Lubec Historical Society
This fisherman stands in a small boat inside a weir, or fish trap (identified by the poles in the background), pulling in the seine (net) visibly filled with herring. The seine had been attached to the poles of the weir, supported by the floats or bouys visible on the twine.
The herring may be smoked and packed in boxes, or canned as sardines. As the industry grew, larger boats called seiners used hydraulic powered cranes for harvesting, but in the older days it was all muscle. The fisherman here is identified on the back of the print as Norman O’Brien.
About This Item
- Title: Seining herring, Lubec, ca. 1940
- Creation Date: circa 1940
- Subject Date: circa 1940
- Location: Boot Cove, Lubec, Washington County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 96 cm x 76 cm
- Local Code: 623 jpg
- Object Type: Image
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Lubec Historical Society135 Main Street, Lubec, ME 04652
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