Contributed by Westport Island History Committee
This letter to Sarah Tarbox brings news about her Westport Island home soon after she has taken a teaching position in Richmond, Maine.
One of the letter's authors is William Greenleaf who is married to Sarah's older sister, Louisa. William is 19 years older than Sarah and appears to be mentoring her. Abaline, Sarah's sister, completes the letter with chatty news about siblings, the farm and girlfriends.
Sarah Tarbox was born January 7, 1823 in Westport. She was the eighth of 12 children of Mary "Polly" Brown and Samuel Tarbox, a wealthy and influential gentleman farmer on Westport Island.
Upon completion of grammar school on Westport Island, Sarah attended Mrs. Fields School for Girls in Topsham and then became a teacher in Richmond in 1841. In Richmond, Sarah lived with or near her oldest sister, Mary, and her husband, Daniel Webber.
About This Item
- Title: Letter to Sarah Tarbox from home, 1841
- Creator: William W. Greenleaf
- Creation Date: 1841-07-15
- Subject Date: 1841
- Richmond, Sagadahoc County, ME
- Westport Island, Lincoln County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 25.5 cm x 20 cm
- Local Code: TarSar.Doc.12-1.1841
- Collection: Sarah Tarbox Letters
- Object Type: Text
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Westport Island History Committee6 Fowles Point Road, Westport Island, ME 04578
(207) 882-8477
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