Contributed by Westport Island History Committee
This letter was written to Sarah Tarbox, age 15, from her mother, Mary "Polly" Tarbox, after Sarah arrived at Mrs. Elizabeth Fields School in Topsham in June 1838 from Westport Island. In the letter Mrs. Tarbox inquires about Sarah's new school and implores her not to do anything that would displease her parents, like dancing. She tells Sarah and Emmeline (Hodgdon, a schoolmate from Westport) to be good children and asks that they not be attracted to vanity.
Mrs. Fields was a friend of Governor Wm. King of Bath (Maine's first Governor in 1820). King, who originally owned the school property, sent his only daughter Mary Elizabeth to the school and, it is said, used his influence to get friends to send their daughters to Fields' school. Her school taught young women basic French, decorum and social etiquette as well as academic basics and sewing. Fields promoted an appreciation of the outdoors and physical exercise for young women, which included dancing.
About This Item
- Title: Letter to Sarah Tarbox from her mother, 1838
- Creator: Mary Polly Tarbox
- Creation Date: 1838-06-15
- Subject Date: 1838-06-15
- Location: Westport, Lincoln County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 20.5 cm x 15 cm
- Local Code: TarSar.Doc.4-1.1838
- Collection: Sarah Tarbox Letters
- Object Type: Text
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Education--Maine--Topsham
- Social customs--Maine--Topsham
- Domestic life--Maine--Westport Island
- Schools--Maine--Topsham
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Westport Island History Committee6 Fowles Point Road, Westport Island, ME 04578
(207) 882-8477
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