Contributed by Westport Island History Committee
A letter to Sarah Tarbox, age 13, from Susan A. Greenleaf, age 10, when both girls attended Westport Island schools. It is believed that Susan was a student on the north end of the island, and Sarah was at the central school.
Sarah Tarbox, born on January 7, 1823, was the daughter of Mary "Polly" Brown and Samuel Tarbox. Samuel Tarbox was a member of the House of Representatives from Edgecomb in 1828 when Westport, then Jeremysquam, petitioned the State of Maine to legally separate from Edgecomb and become a town. Tarbox was the Town of Westport's first, First Selectman.
Sarah Tarbox's father and Susan Greenleaf's father both served on the Island's School Committee together when Westport first separated from Edgecomb in 1828.
Susan answers a letter from Sarah and invites her to visit her school and spend the night. Although the island is only 11 miles long, the distance from the central school to a school on the north end of the island likely would have required an overnight visit.
About This Item
- Title: Letter to Sarah Tarbox from classmate Susan Greenleaf, 1836
- Creator: Susan A. Greenleaf
- Creation Date: 1836-02-19
- Subject Date: 1836
- Location: Westport, Lincoln County, ME
- Media: Ink on paper
- Dimensions: 19 cm x 14.8 cm
- Local Code: TarSar.Doc.2-1.1836
- Collection: Sarah Tarbox Letters
- Object Type: Text
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For more information about this item, contact:
Westport Island History Committee6 Fowles Point Road, Westport Island, ME 04578
(207) 882-8477
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