Rev. Arthur Decary and St. Andre's school graduates, Biddeford, 1945

Contributed by an individual through Biddeford Historical Society

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Rev. Arthur Decary and St. Andre's school graduates, Biddeford, 1945

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Graduation photograph of girls at St. Andre's High Parochial School located on Sullivan St. in Biddeford in 1945.

The St. Andre's School was constructed in 1925 under the direction of Rev. Decary. It served as a co-ed parochial school for grades one through eight and and an all girls high school. The classes were taught by brothers and nuns and some of the classes taught there included religion, reading, writing, and arithmatic. The school was closed in 1992 and was transformed into apartments for senior citizens in 1998.

Pictured sitting in the first row, from left to right, are: Therese Paquette, Jeanette Durette, Mignnone Ruel, Claire Tardif, Monseigneur Arthur Decary, Rita Fortier, Lucille Bergeron, Stella Guillette, and Mignnon Cote.

Standing in the second row, from left to right, are: Alice Barube, Rachel Martel, Rita Doyon, Violet Cartier Maguerite Paquette, Francoise Goulet, Doris Gosselin, Mariette Frechette, Dorothe Paradis, and Doris Dubuc.

Standing in the third row, from left to right, are: Joan Boissonneault, Pauline Gendron, Pauline Poloquin, Paulette Leblond, Leona Desautels, Francoise Gendron Lucille Beaudoin, Bertha Godbois, Claire Lemieux, and Yolande Remillard.

Standing in the forth row, from left to right, are: Germaine Coulombe, Bernadette Paul, Pauline Boucher, Gilberte Chretien, Lorraine Dubois, Simonne Bergeron, Louise Goulet, Jacqline Gaulin, Rita Boissonneault, and Constance Neault.

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About This Item

  • Title: Rev. Arthur Decary and St. Andre's school graduates, Biddeford, 1945
  • Creator: Raymond Gaudette
  • Creation Date: 1945
  • Subject Date: 1945
  • Location: Biddeford, York County, ME
  • Media: Photographic print
  • Dimensions: 2.0 cm x 2.5 cm
  • Local Code: 2-19-13
  • Object Type: Image

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Biddeford Historical Society
P.O. Box 200, Biddeford, ME 04005
(207) 502-0279

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