Contributed by Monson Historical Society
The Auxiliary of the Monson American Legion Post #116 was organized Dec. 12, 1922 with 38 charter members. The Auxiliary members pictured in this photograph from the early 1950s from left to right in the front row are: Rachel Jones, Phyllis Ruksznis, Althea French, and Dagmar Greenleaf. Pictured from left to right in the back row are: Zelma Stevens, Theresa Rioux, Velma Brown, and Helen Erickson.
The Auxiliary participated in parades and various fundraising activities until January of 1987 when the group surrendered their charter.
About This Item
- Title: American Legion Auxiliary, Monson, ca. 1950
- Creation Date: circa 1950
- Subject Date: circa 1950
- Location: Monson, Piscataquis County, ME
- Media: Photographic print
- Dimensions: 12.4 cm x 17.9 cm
- Local Code: MHS-103-001
- Object Type: Image
Cross Reference Searches
Standardized Subject Headings
- Brown, Velma
- Erickson, Helen
- French, Althea
- Greenleaf, Dagmar
- Jones, Rachel
- Rioux, Theresa
- Ruksznis, Phyllis
- Stevens, Zelma
Other Keywords
For more information about this item, contact:
Monson Historical SocietyPO Box 308, Monson, ME 04464
(207) 876-3073
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